Lions, Tigers, Rhinos, and more! I really like this comic because I can do magic and have fun with a lot of things. This is free for members and can be accessed at:
I am getting into a groove and doing more now. Life is back and forth with me. Some months I do a lot, others I do what I can. But I am always working on it!
Someone asked me: 'Why did you decrease to $5 on Gold membership? Not that I'm complaining." To be blunt, I want everyone to be able to access everything and enjoy what I have to offer. I may have some specials in the future, but I think this is the fairest price I can offer at this time.
I have reworked the member page so you know what you are entitled to. If something isn't working, please let me know! Member's Page:
Some past comics will go into retirement for now. If you want to see more of a specific comic, please let me know!
All my best,