Please check out the shared folder to access Chapter 3. We are up to page 30 right now (I am up to page 45 right now, and I will upload them soon)
The Underground is a pretty exclusive club, and you are going to see other characters in other comics come out to play. I am thinking of doing an update for the characters of "Daddy Bear" soon.
The above comics brings a level of familiarity with Cato, Art, and Roscoe. He is going to stop in later. when the guys are really having the time of their life at the party.
Art is going to try and bottom too. He is really nervous, but I am curious how much do you think he should like it? Please read what I have up so far and comment below to let me know if you think he might want to become a vers, bottom, or stay as a top.
Thank you for your continued support!
All my best,