I updated the pricing plans, and since I am going back to the office (Working during the week) on August 23rd, I want to be clear about what you get every month.
At least one animation in any of the animated series I am working on.
At least 3 new original renders at HD quality, with the ability to download.
Updates on comics for all members.
I have a lot of projects I am working on, and maybe when I am ready I will do more work on games. For right now, I am putting that on the backburner. Most months, you will get a bonus animation, but there may be times I am unable to complete this task. It takes a lot of time to create these, and I want to make sure you get everything I can dish out to you every month.
I am grateful for all of my supporters and I encourage everyone to contact me with questions or suggestions. I am Robby#5810 on Discord, and usually, that is the quickest way to get a hold of me, as well as through the website here.
I hope everyone is being safe and keeping clear of the Covid-19 Delta variant. Wash your hands, and wear your mask when you are in a crowded area.
I am preparing the new post with the new animation momentarily so stay tuned!
All my best,